Leonard Bogdonoff

July 28, 2021

Transcript 119sec (7) Go on. A tec...

Go on. A tech company, they are focus on to be brands and their main platform communication is linked in where a lot of our clients are kind of trying to communicate with our customers. And they have done an amazing job at creating beautiful templates and being able to create clips from or from Webinars or from someone internally recording a video and then sharing it out on LinkedIn and then across the organization. So everyone was in the a lot of people within the company are sharing this clip. So they take a video, they cut it up, and then they do a spot of design and in milk, and then they share it out. And multiple employees are sharing this one message. And so that's how we think about it. So you you have an amazing asset. Why not milk it? Why not pull out the clips and then milk in terms of, like, getting old and many people in the organization to share it out, there's no reason why not to. The only buyers out before was within Toll process, which we are really focused on improving that workflow. And the really cool thing with Highlight Realtors that you can customize it depending on where you want to send it out, whether it's internally or for potential customers. You can always add a new title page or you can add a clip where it's personalized more to the person. So that's really cool. And you've been doing that a little bit, right? So you be adding your own personalized message or not saying Hi, John, whatever. And then adding in the demo, which is pre recorded. So in this world, I'm trying to reach after your customers in a personalized way. And there's, like, a personalized element plus a capable element, which is a demo. And with Build you on, you can do that. Let's go.