Leonard Bogdonoff

July 28, 2021

Transcript 141sec (1) So we actual...

So we actually have a special guest, Jeff Tang. So actually, I'm going to have Jeff, take my seat here and go ahead. Please join the party. I do have to go back to a like a minute to Hi everyone. Yeah. Jeff, we were just presenting different features how this works, but you want to share how you use video calls and your remote team and maybe things that you've thought about doing promotion in video. Well, internally, we use discord and gather most recently for calls with credential like users or customers. We are. So I think, and we're still kind of like doing a lot of customer discovery. But actually, we haven't used much tool in that around there, but we are starting to explore all those options, so I love to explore. I amazing. Maybe you want to share what you're working on a little bit with Athens research? Sure. So I'm working on at this research, we are building a notetaking tool for tech researchers. So people doing AI research, places like Google Brain, or maybe people developing drugs in Pharmaceuticals. So, Yeah, we're just trying to help and accelerate the research. Come up with the next generation of, like, a new shot ideas. That's what we're doing right now. Thanks for jumping in our incredibly how live stream. Great to have you here. It's great to be on to be your office. All right. So that was our surprise. Special guest is needs walking to get some water. So with that, actually, we wanted to go through maybe one use case outside of what Jack has done.