Justin Powers

August 11, 2021

Transcript How to Create a Video Te...tes.mp4


Thank you for joining our third Note video team Stream. And we're in a new room. So today I'm going to pass it over to the team and we'll get started. All right. Hi, guys. I'll be here today. We're going to learn how to create video testimonials in minutes.

And I'll be your host today. And so I ask a few questions. And just to give you an overview of the video, we're going to answer where our testimonials, how to create them, what makes them so important, and why are they so valuable to your business? And how you're able to produce these video testimonials using Milk and where to upload them afterwards. So the main one answering most of the questions would be Ross. And also if you want to introduce yourself a little bit rot panel here, co founder with Lenny Milk. And so created many testimonials in the past, and you want to share kind of the importance of them, how to quickly capture them from your clients, and then turn them into an asset that can be used for marketing and sales. So the goal here is to give you kind of the tools and to turn something around potentially today from your existing content or your clients.

So. Yeah.

Alright. So roth, tell us a little bit about what are testimonials. So testimonials the value there really is around.

Kind of when customers are looking at your products, your brand, they want to know other companies are always asking for recommendations like, is this a good brand? It's a good company. And the testimonials really reinforce that you have good clients. People obviously use logos and things. But testimonials give a little bit of a narrative around the use case that that company has for your product. So it's a lot more relatable. I think so, a very short quote, whether it's in text or a video, but it really kind of allows complete per prospect to understand why the other companies have purchased and why and may 1 them over the energy to that purchase report. Awesome.

So to put them in both planes there to reassure the client to purchase the product and to help build credibility and trust. Yes, exactly. Awesome. And may I ask who writes these testimonials and how do we get these people to testimonials? Yeah. So to get people to create a obviously a lot of companies are building good relationships with their clients, and so sometimes they come up organically. A client will mention how how great your product is. Like, okay, cool.

Can I capture that? Can I put that into a testimonial? And sometimes you have to go out and kind of actually ask them just for a one liner or two liner. So it could be a client service the person in to be. It could be just anyone within a team who is in touch with the clients. Awesome. And can you share a little bit about what type of forms testimonial test there. Yeah. So as mission text is very simple to get, you can literally email.

So we now after that, ask for feedback and put that on the site. The second one is obviously video, which we're going to cover today, which is a little bit harder in general, a bit more of a blocker for people. But we're going to talk about ways that are really fast and free to do that. And what would you suggest if you were to be utilizing video testimonials? What type of questions would you suggest? Yes. I mean, it's pretty simple.

And why do you the product what you love about is what problem is it solving? That's the main thing. What's the problem that this product is solving that other products are not solving? And how do you use it on a daily basis? How does it help you do a good job? Awesome. So open ended questions to answer. Yeah. Often they'll have their own kind of they'll go on a whole spiel about why they love you so much. Nice. All right.

Great. So they would love to see how you're able to design a testimony.

Two things are going to run through to capture a testimony video testimonial today. There's two ways we could do it. One is with a lot of people being more familiar with zoom, it's easier for you to request people to create a little bit. So if you're going to ask a client to do the testimonial, you can simply send them these questions I mentioned and ask them to record themselves. Hey, I love your product. This is how I use it. And within a minute, you can have a video testimonial sent.

They can turn their Zoom record themselves, send it over to the file. And then the second option we're gonna run through is not even asking a client actually going back into your archives, looking at all the videos or even Hay studies you've done before, and pulling out a testimonial that's there that's one of the beauties of Milk is to be able to extract key moments from your existing content. So you don't actually have to go out and find your clients. If you would interview the client before, it probably mentioned something great about your product. So let me show you. How do you do that in milk? How you turn it into an asset that you can use that is branded. That looks good because you can ask people for Zoom recording, but it looks often terrible.

So how can we turn that into something that the marketing sales team can be proud of? I'm sharing on their website and social media and such. So let me share my screen. That's something with the I can see that. Yep. Okay. Cool. So we jump inside here into Milk.

And first we're going to look at an example of a requested recording where someone we ask somebody to record a quick testimonial client, and they simply uploaded, they record themselves. And then we took the file and we uploaded it here into middle. This was then automatically transcribed, as you can see, here took about under a minute, maybe 30 seconds, to transcribe this. So what we're going to do here is.

Oops, sorry.

What we're going to do here is just clip the section. The start. You can see he's doing a couple of things where he's trying to get his video ready. So we only want to clip the part where he's actually talking about Milk. And instantly you have a video here with captions. So from the get go, you turned a Zoom recording into a video with captions. But as we said, we want this to be use by marketing and sales.

So it needs a bit more of a touchup. So that's where we go to our design canvas. And this is where you can really get creative, and you don't need your video editor to come in here and do that for you. So if you see here, some of the maybe we don't want the background. So what we're going to do is crop out a little bit.

So. Oops.

And oops, and then. So the video here, I'm going to play, first of all, so you can see it. So this is him talking about Milk and why it's been extremely helpful. And then at the if we want to kind of add in his name, we want to do that.

Give me.

So just give me for 1 second as I just something directly with my house. Okay. Here we go. Okay.

We want to maybe add his name in here. I want to urge you so that we get some credibility around who he is. It's a little bit too small. So we update the ones like So. And then we want to kind of organize that, pull that in.

Then we want to restructure kind of the captions, make it a little bit more visible. We want to add in maybe a kind of banner at the top, just kind of do some design there, and then context as to who this is, what it is that he's talking about. So in this image, since you're talking about how how helpful Milk has been, so we can actually kind of see exactly what he says at speed here. So I'm going to go through this, so it's been able to turn LinkedIn. Okay. So this testimonial is about speed of of repurposing, and then you want to add in a logo here. So we're going to add that in, you can kind of refer that there in the corner or whatever it might be.

Now, this is obviously a very simple design. There's a lot of creative kind of aspects that you can kind of bring to it. You can change the colors to make sure that the content is all on brand to make sure that it in line with your colors. So we go here, change the background.

So there's lots of kind of different adjustments you can make to make it look kind of compelling. And then it's ready to ready to go, ready to share as a download to share on different social media, you get a gift that you can add to your email, and so it's instantly ready for repurposing anything you want to add. Their lead in terms of I'm understanding to titles relate here. So that's our first example of being able to request a testimonial from a client where they record one, and then you turn it around and kind of touch up the design. The second one that is an existing an existing webinar. So this is from a company called quick. See, they have a webinar on YouTube here.

We see the whole piece of content was transcribed using those. And so this is already being recorded. Right. So there is an interview with a client. So we know in here that there is a a testimonial from the company that can be used. Right. So it's going into your archives, maybe finding a moment where they say, I love your product, I love enter company name.

But in this instance there this is the one right there.

I'm trying to find the example here. Bear with me.


I'm just looking for an example.

Okay. So actually, we just clicked the right section here the testimonial and same kind of process where you're taking the video, designing it, customizing it. In this case, there's a slide that's in relation to the into the captions itself.

So we may need to kind of add some more context here. Go back to adding in your tech subscription, and so on. I won't rehash that. But the idea is that the same context is you're trying to pull out a key moment, but it's from existing materials. If you saw how fast that we could do that, normally, it would take hours to kind of pull that out to add captions, but you can do that within a couple of seconds. And then you do your standard kind of design elements to make it look good.

And then see if there's anything else we want to add in here.

In the logo we had before, we may want to kind of change the background. You to fight out a little bit.

Here's the canvas.

Okay. Let me put this up.


Take away and added the new clip so you can just replace it if you cool. So again, you can add in maybe an opening scene here. So this is one slide. This is one testimonial, but you can also add in maybe an opening slide where you want to add in there the company logo or into a visual intro and outro. So we will pull in the logo in this case, as a starting flight. But then it will start off with the branding and then move into the testimonial itself.

There you go. Two very kind of quick ways for you to get a video testimonial today. Let me see. Okay. Yeah. So two very quick ways to turn to create a testimonial today. So one is request a video from your company from a client or take your existing content, pull out a moment, and then do some basic design and share it.

So, yeah, that's kind of if you look at that, it was done within a few minutes. The design can be touched up much more than I showed you. Some very basic elements there. But you can have something that often takes weeks to kind of turn around to take you potentially an hour, hopefully realistically, probably 24 hours to get a response from your clients and so on. But if you have the archive up, you could do that right now. Awesome. So do you have any suggestions on where we could potentially share these? The first point is obviously to put on the website that's in a very easy one, especially if it's a really good testimony.

Put it on the home page, then you could share it out, put it into your email cadences for sales teams or for marketing teams. You can share it on social. That's great. But once or twice, then you can overdo it too much. But you wanted to be constantly brought up to your prospect. So adding it into your onboarding marketing cadence, adding into sales payments, you know. So if it's like, hey, I'm reaching out to you about our product.

This is a great testimonial that you should take a look at 22 to two minutes long. And for you guys, well, I can talk about my like, about me. When it comes to testimonials whether they're written or video, I make sure to always look at them, like, before purchasing anything. I don't know if that's how you guys like, because one have influence. Or you guys like, when it comes to purchasing anything, do you like, make sure it'll look at testimonials. I'm probably a minority. I am much more of a meter.

Okay. I see the value. Hence why is important. Nice. But at some point you do. Sofi, like, definitely be more Britain than to do.

Cool. Yeah. I think that generally the key things we wanted to cover testimonials are very important.

They can be a lot of work, especially if you're talking about video. We see a couple of options. Go back into your archives today, see if there's a quote that you can pull. Turn that into a clip a little bit. Design there. Share it out. Turn multiple.

If you have multiple testimonial, turn it into a case study, a landing page. If you have it from the same client, there's lots of opportunities there.

The cool.

I'll go to a product. So every week when we do this, this is a third week. Now we share product updates. So this is our team stream, and one of the big things that are exciting is we're actually releasing templates soon. So getting that one of the more important features that we're talking about, our video testimonials or exciting to share is actually templates that can be used for testimonials. Given what Rock showed, not everyone has a design sense, and especially companies that have a brand guideline that you actually have to follow. Maybe one person wants to make the design, and then other people need to keep using it.

So actually, I'm going to share some of the cool things that we're working on right now. This is a Sigma file. So our design tool and we have a lot of upcoming templates. So some of these are for internal company meetings, which could be testimonials in an internal company context. So we have these cross Department presentations. Maybe you have, like a presentation on the topic and you need to get buy in from someone on your team. We also have things like case studies, so this could be a testimonial about a specific topic.

These are much more hip, so you can change the colors and fonts if you want, and they'll actually be quite exciting, or you can make them more plan if that's also interesting. And then we have things like all hands meetings. So a very common example of a Zoom video is going to be an all hands meeting. I double check here that you can see these. And then additionally, we have things like Q and A. So you might have more than one Speaker during the testimonial recording, kind of like this. You might have two people speaking.

So being able to showcase or crop the people who are important in a Zoom recording can be important. If their face isn't the only thing on camera, then we also have some more generic styles. These are things where we're calling them the kitchen sink Template. So they might have captions, titles, logos, pictures. But maybe you only need to use one or two of these things, but at least the aesthetic is established. And we'll have a couple plain colors, a couple dark mode colors. People love having that aesthetic, and then we'll have things that feel like they can match your own print.

So if you just change the font, they're plain enough where they actually look pretty good, just as they are. The text is laid out correctly, the image can be cropped correctly. So these are very exciting. Within this. You can imagine your testimony being laid out in an interesting way. But most exciting I think out of all of this is that once somebody in your company creates a design, once actually can be reused again and again. So rather than just having a testimonial that has to be redesigned each time it looks a little bit different, one person your team can create the design, save it, and then by reusing it, all of the content that different people create will always look the same.

These are very exciting. We're launching the first batch next week on ideally tuesdays. And then from there, based on feedback, will double down designing more. So we have 25 templates to launch, which is very, very exciting. And these are going to be a really major addition to how we're adding. Outside of that, there's a couple more exciting kind of product related things, but I won't share them right now. We'll go into next week more related just product update things that are exciting to jump into.

Cool. Great. Well, we want to thank you so much for joining us this week on our third live stream. And I hope this episode is like an episode right like this episode. I talk to you guys, and you were able to learn a little bit more about why testimonies are so important for you and your business and how milk is able to help you create these video testimonials. As for no good. All right.

See you next week then. Thank you. Bye.